• ViA Trademark Portfolio

    The Trademark Portfolio of the ViA Global Holdings AG, consist of graphical images, which you can see here as well as a large range product and service name as well as planed names for subsidiaries and corporations which is planned for horizontal future expansions.

    The history to the name and the use of "via", came-out of the idea to operate Dubai as a eHUB between east and West, whereas the name natural become "VIA DUBAI", you can here see on the right side the first graphical image of "VIA DUBAI".

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  • The ViA Web Name Portfolio

    The number of web name registered to the ViA Global Holdings AG's group has now in September 2013 reached more than 330 names.

    These name are related existing or future services, existing or future subsidiaries, future or existing innovations, product names or phrases to make it easier to find what you are looking for

    Within the ViA concept which is a truly holistic combination of a complete VALUE-CHAIN where everyone fit in and a model which doesn't make the ViA Model to compete with others, the ViA Model is a compliment and a bridge between other initiatives, in a better way!

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  • What you see is what we do

    The business idea of what we will do is to make transaction / data more secure today and in the future, so that means we do bring information in to ViA, which is symbolized by the first letter, the "V" which in the image are an arrow in to the company. Our Registered trademark ViA logo, which has been protected in many countries around the world as a registered trademark.

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